Remiss Random Gist

November 26, 2007

Okay, so I’ve been remiss in my blogging duties. However, I did have a great Thanksgiving, and I hope you did too. Glad to be back though.

I went skiing on Wednesday and it was great. I went to Okemo, and I skied Upper and Lower World Cup over and over. The snow-making and grooming was great and there was 3-4″ of nice fresh. It was quickly scraped to the sides but the sides were skiing like there was half a foot!

It’s pretty nasty out now though but hopefully most of this is snow up north in them thar hills. Speaking of skiing and weather, stay tuned for a future post on some good sites to check out for reliable and interesting ski-related weather information. But for those of you who like to ski in the northern Green Mountains, I find The Single Chair Weather Blog to be a wonderful resource. Unfortunately, his first post of the season is kind of depressing. Let’s hope he’s wrong. I’m sure he hopes the same thing. Also, as we all know, some of the best ski days can come during some of the worst seasons.

I know I said I would do a ski movie review on Seven Sunny Days but my dog ate the remote so it’s difficult to do a review when you can’t pause the film from the confines of a massaging back rest on the couch. I will have this up by tomorrow though.


One more thing. If you want some guaranteed laughs, you have to check out Mitch Hedberg. There’s a ton of stuff on youtube, such as:

Talk to you soon!

I was in the news last night! My buddy is a newscaster on WCAX and interviewed me about the ski season and how Warren Miller fires me up. Truth be told, Warren didn’t come through for me this time (“Playground” trailer here), but that’s another post, maybe tomorrow. Anyways, I got MULTIPLE seconds! Check it out, although you need Windows Media Player.

Okemo, November 16, 1

Okemo, this afternoon.

And yes, I went skiing at Okemo! Well, sort of. That is to say I planned on skiing for a few runs and I ended up doing only one. This was due to the fact that: 1) The puppy I’m puppy-sitting likes taunting me in the woods. 2) I forgot my boots. (Not the first time, not the last.) Luckily, I realized about 5 minutes into the trip. 3) Season’s pass office was not where I thought it was. 4) I had to stand (not walk) on a looong magic carpet to get to a slooow lift to get to a sloooow lift to get to the traverse over to the section with pitch. 5) I was the first person ski patrol sent down. I had to download from the top. It was a great relaxing ride down though!

Okemo, November 16, 2

Okemo this afternoon, with a light coating of fresh!

That being said, it rocked! The styrofoam ice-snow was all scraped to the sides and it felt like real snow. And at the top (the only part open) there was probably about 3″ of fresh snow. The sun came out and it was just beautiful. Anyways, first day they were open I and got the feel of it again.

Okemo, November 16, 3

Okemo, snow was actually pretty nice!

I’m ready for ski season.